All these dummies are manufactured and certified in Japan to be specified under CFR 49, Parts 572. These dummies are used for a kind of car crash tests, frontal impact and frontal offset impact. Used as weight dummy for sled test, we supply some special parts to prevent from easy breakages (see R&D dummy parts). For pedestrian dummy, it is used for R&D purposes, such like evaluation for pedestrian/cyclist/rider injury. We receive any offers to modify the dummy parts, to assemble the sensors on requested parts and/or to have the original specifications and performances.
Pedestrian Dummy
Left) Hybrid III 5th Percentile Female Pedestrian Dummy
Cener) Hybrid III 50th Percentile Male Pedestrian Dummy
Right) Hybrid III 95th Percentile Large Male Pedestrian Dummy
Cener) Hybrid III 50th Percentile Male Pedestrian Dummy
Right) Hybrid III 95th Percentile Large Male Pedestrian Dummy